HR YouTube celebrities, commonly known as youtubers, They are a class of internet celebrities and videographers who have won videos on the YouTube video sharing platform. As many of them upload Roblox videos, it has led YouTube celebrities to focus their channel on the game, and today many have become content creators both in the Roblox community and on YouTube itself. Some creators have become part of the Roblox Video Stars Program.
- 1 YouTube Celebrity List
- 1.1 List of YouTube celebrities on Roblox
- 1.1.1 10M + subscribers
- 1.1.2 5M – 9M subscribers
- 1.1.3 1M – 4M subscribers
- 1.1.4 500K – 999K subscribers
- 1.1.5 100K – 499K subscribers
- 1.1.6 10K – 99K subscribers
- 1.1.7 1K – 9K subscribers
- 1.1 List of YouTube celebrities on Roblox
- 2 List of Roblox developers with YouTube channels
- 3 List of Non-Roblox YouTubers
- 4 Reviews
- 4.1 Clickbait
- 4.2 Scams and spam
- 4.3 Other
- November 5, 2019 Bot Exploit Issue
- 6 Roblox Star Creator Program
YouTube Celebrity List
List of YouTube celebrities in Roblox
Here is a list of all the celebrities known to YouTube who mainly upload Roblox or have uploaded their channel around it. Bear in mind that some of these YouTube celebrities may contain profanity within their videos.
10M + subscribers
- Annoying Orange (TootieFruity9000)
- AuthenticGames (AuthenticG_ames)
- DanTDM (DrTrayBlox)
- FGTeeV (FGteev, DrizzMcNizz, Lexinator0724)
- Guava juice (guavs)
- iTownGamePlay * Horror & Fun * (iTownGamePlayYT)
- PopularMMOs (PatFurious)
- Ryan's World (ryetoy)
- TazerCraft (tarikpac, Nicknicole222)
5M – 9M subscribers
- Low Memory (CaueBM)
- Crainer (MrCrainer1422)
- Denis (DenisDaily)
- Flamingo, AlbertsStuff (mrflimflam, Alberts)
- GamingWithJen (JenIsSuperGirly)
- GamingWithKev (KevinEdwardsJr)
- iHasCupquake (ihascupquakeOG)
- InquisitorMaster ()
- ItsFunneh (Funnehcake FunnehCake)
- Julia MineGirl
- Familia Kaji (ryanmommygamer, ryandaddygame)
- LDShadowLady (MissSiberiaa)
- Lyna (Lynitaa)
- Pozzi (PozziBros)
- Spok (spokchris)
- stampylonghead (stampylongnose)
- Thinknoodles (ImNotThinknoodles)
- TobyGames (TobyJoeBuscus)
1M – 4M subscribers
- Alex (CraftedRL)
- • ROBLOX (kingofdarknesscer)
- Android Fasito (AndroidFasito)
- ANIMEMES (RoyF2020)
- Ant (AntRavioli)
- Ashleyosity (itsAshleyosity)
- Neighbor (NeighborTenus)
- Chrisandthemike (chrisatm)
- Combo Panda (ComboPanda)
- Dois Marmotas (Luckke23, DIINHAAA2)
- EthanGamer (EthanGamerTV)
- Gamer Chad (ChadAlanPlaysRoblox)
- GamerGirl (karinaOMG)
- Geko97 - Roblox (patozviral)
- GilathissNew (GilathissNew)
- Godenot (godenot)
- Gus The Gummy Gator (Gusthegummygamer)
- Hola Sant (heysant2018)
- HulkBR (hulkbr_official)
- Jayingee (jayingee)
- KraoESP (KraoESP)
- CreekCraft (StarCode_RealCreek)
- Cool Daddy (YTFMM)
- LankyBox (LankyBoxGamesAdam, LankyBoxGamesJustin, LankyBoxGames)
- LaurenzSide (NOTLaurenzSide)
- MyUsernamesThis(UseStarCode_BACON)
- NicsterV (Nicolas77)
- ObliviousHD (ObliviousHD)
- Poke (Pokediger1)
- PrestonGamez (PrestonPlayz)
- RadioJH games (audreyradio)
- Roblox (ROBLOX)
- Robzi (RobziGame)
- RonaldOMG
- RussoPlays (RussoTalks)
- SeeDeng (SeeDank)
- Sketch (Sk3tchYT)
- Tex HS (Crisminegirl, TexWillerHS)
- ThnxCya (NotThnxCya)
- Tofuu (forehand)
- VenturianTale (jordanfrye, FlyingPings, isaacfrye, Cierraskywalker)
- VTubers (BigSharkdude01, AlphaLexa, PeckdaPenguin)
- Xonnek (Xonnekk_22)
- ZephPlayz (StarCodeZephPlayz)
500K – 999K subscribers
- Admiros (GodAdmiros)
- Amberry (Amberrry)
- BereghostGames (Bereghost)
- Bunny (ZeroKittenz)
- Buzz (BuzzHACKED)
- cazum8 (cazum8)
- cybernova games (THEREALCYBERNOVA)
- DfieldMark (OfficialDField)
- FUDZ (fudsim)
- Fallo (Glitch_YTube)
- Hadesiakko
- Janet y Kate (KittyJanet, Kate9071)
- JonesGotGame (JonesGotGame)
- Kavra
- Kazok (KazokYT)
- KiA Pham (kiapham1991)
- KonekoKitten (KonekoKittenWasTaken)
- Landon - ARKH (LandonRB_YT)
- Legolaz (LegolazYoutube)
- Geolocation (locus200k)
- LOGinHDi (L0GinHDi)
- NapkinNate (NapkinNate)
- Natasha Panda (MariaJoaquinaLove)
- Nicole Kimmi (Nicole_Kimmi)
- PandinhaGame (PandinhaGame)
- PinkLeaf (RenLeaf, RenIsVeryEpic)
- PurpleShep (RealFakePurpleShepp, FakePurpleShep)
- Restos (Remainings)
- Seniac (MrSeniac)
- TwiistedPandora (TwistedPandora)
- VeD_DeV(VeD_DeV)
100K – 499K subscribers
- AlvinBlox (Alvin_Blox)
- axabella (axabellax)
- Betroner and Noangy (Betroner, Noangy)
- biggranny000 (biggranny)
- CatFer (SoyCatFer)
- Chaseroony (Chaseroony)
- ChloeGames (ChloeUrie)
- Citizen (Erased_Citizen, hotsace)
- CMParmy (CMParmy)
- Conor3D (Conor3D)
- DarkAltrax (DarkendAltrax)
- DeeterPlays (DeeterPlays)
- Domino (DominoKed123)
- FairOut (FairOutOOF)
- Fandroid GAME (FandroidYouTube, SubscribeToFANDROID)
- Favorites (Faave)
- Flexer97 (Flexer97YT)
- frenchrxses (french_rxses)
- GrayPhiny (GrayPhiny)
- greenlegocats123 (Devastator934, CowCowManManThingIt)
- Heath Haskins (codeprime8)
- iGuz (iGuzGames)
- ImaFlyNmidget (MrImaFlyNmidget)
- Jamie ThatBloxer (Jamiethatgirl)
- JeromeASF - Roblox (JeromeBlocks)
- JoeyDaPlayer (mrjojoman131)
- KakesGaming x (kayleetaco)
- KingSgaming (KingSgamingPlays)
- Koneko (Koneko_99)
- Kong (KaelinOnGames)
- Lazer1785 (lazer1785)
- legobloxian (legobloxian9000)
- Linkmon99 (Linkmon99)
- Lonnie (GPR3)
- NickDominates (NickiMalik)
- NikTac (NiktacRBYT)
- NubNeb (Bwc904)
- OpaOsiris (OpaOsiris)
- Paradox PoKe (po_ke)
- PetriFyTV (PetriFyTV)
- Phoeberry
- PinkAnt (PinkAntRBLX)
- Plepsu (Plepsu)
- Raconidas (Raconides)
- RazorFishGaming (RazorFishGamingYT)
- Rexex (RexexYoutube)
- Roblox Gaming (RobloxGamingCallum)
- Roblox Minigunner (clean)
- SallyGreenGamer (Geegee92)
- SDMittens (SDMittens)
- SharkBlox (SharkTrickShots)
- slasher skeleton (skeletonslasher3)
- skyleree (skyleree)
- SpaceGamer ™ (SpaceGamer_YT)
- Stronbol Roblox (StronbolYT)
- SynthesizeOG (SynthesizeOG)
- Tad The Merchant
- TheEvilShark (TheEvilShark1)
- TheLaughingUnicorn (kristiexo)
- Tooquick (tooquick4you2)
- TypicalModders (Gwibard, TypicalModders)
- Verti (InversalGalaxy)
10K – 99K subscribers
- adamyes (Realadamyes)
- Ameeron (kalycutes)
- BarneyHunter12 (BarneyHunter12)
- BlakeyPlayz (Blakeyboo28)
- el pacmero (elpacmeroYT2)
- Epikrika (Epikrika_a)
- Eyiss Major - Roblox (Eyiss])
- Mohammed Arabi (marabi6863)
- PeasFactory (Peaspod)
- roblox feyenoord (rutgerkeemink1)
- SamiiTheGamer (SamiiPlaysRoblox)
- Turtles wear raincoats (TurtlesWearRaincoats)
- GnomeCode (GnomeCode)
1K – 9K subscribers
- AbstractMight (N4_3)
- B_Fr (B_Fr)
- Baneworth (Baneworth)
- Bearixia (Bearixia)
- Evan Roblox (EvanGhimireEG)
- kurtt (Guwapoz, a0ve, 8eqy)
- Lexie Loo - Roblox (GangGang_Grill)
- punkyjoe (punkyjoe)
- SharkPlayzYT (RealSharkPlayzYT)
- TC- DeathSoul (rollerceosterj)
- UltraKale (Meilssss)
Roblox Developer List with YouTube Channels
These are the YouTube channels of known developers who create places on the Roblox website.
100K – 999K subscribers
- asimo3089 (@asimo3089)
- MiniToon (MiniToon)
10K – 99K subscribers
- alexnewtron (alexnewtron)
- badcc (badcc)
- berezaa (berezaa)
- Castobus (Castobus)
- mightybaseplate (mightybaseplate)
- Ripull (Ripull)
1K – 9K subscribers
- Max G. (CloneTrooper1019)
- XelPixels (PlaceRebuilder)
- Nimblz
- Bloxtun (Bloxtun)
List of Non-Roblox YouTubers
These YouTubers don't upload regular content that the Roblox platform covers, but they have been known to have a few videos using it as a topic.
100M + subscribers
- PewDiePie (pewdsiepie1233, aslikr, pewdie123t32)
1M – 99M subscribers
- penguinz0 (TurboSoggy)
- Memeulous (XXXMEMEULOUS)
- elrubiusOMG (MinecraftCr33per777)
- Halvencyon (SiriRulz)
- WillNE (WillNESkrrQuavo)
- PinkSheep (MustacheSheepYT)
- Jelly (JeIIyyyy)
- Kwebbelkop (Kwebbbbbbbbelkop)
- Slogoman (Slogoiboy)
- Jameskii (RealJameskii)
- Miniminter (itsmeminter123)
- ExplodingTNT (ExplodingTNTpls)
- Pyrocynical (Addi_Help)
- Quackity (quackityishot)
- Elise Ecklund (ukemama)
- VideoGameDunkey (donsley200)
- HelldogMadness (HelldogSempai)
- Zerkaa (JozhSerker)
- AIGames (kawaii_AIChan)
- JackSucksAtLife (Jdawgmadfresh)
- GrayStillPlays (GrayStillPleys)
- Plainrock124 (gjfjjyfjfugukjhfj)
100K – 999K subscribers
- iSorrowproductions (BushDid911exDee)
- Xenowolf (XenowolfYT, NoFuxRGiven, BobBobbingson1999, ShekelTheBaconBoy)
- TheOriginalAce (AustinNawaraVervalin)
- Purple Shep (fakepurpleshep)
- TR1Iceman (EtikaWorldNWRK; account terminated and deceased)
- Sinjin Drowning (SuperSourTrey)
- May (ticcmayo)
10K – 99K subscribers
- Cheridet (CheridetTree)
- Dallyberg (dallyberg)
- Pasta Paul (PastaPaulyt)
There are a lot of clickbaits from some YouTube celebrities spreading false rumors and scamming younger Roblox users. An example would be the John Doe rumor on March 18, spreading rapidly by YouTube "clickbait" celebrities like Android Fast, who suffered several YouTube srtikes and bans due to the number of fake giveaways he created.
It is common for YouTube celebrities to make videos that often have captions and thumbnails that hint at something that is not in the video. These people make a lot of money from this practice, such as Kazok making up to $ 89,800 a year and Dragod making more than $ 100 a year. Some of the most common clickbait practices were related to events like Ready Player One after fewer and fewer people started falling for hacking rumors. YouTubers like RealMatt make fake videos about popular YouTubers dying, getting hurt or "getting to know you" etc.
Scams and spam
Some of them have unfavorable members in their fan bases, raiding Discord servers owned by Roblox admins, spamming things on the forums, and generally being a nuisance to gamers. Some of these YouTubers also advertise free Robux websites that go against the Roblox Terms of Service, and which are mostly fake.
There are many controversial YouTube celebrities who are controversial for other reasons. InquisitorMaster has come under fire for online dating in his videos and for scamming RAP on Roblox. Some YouTubers like DanTDM and Denis have received some criticism for their quality hand to the lower games to be more popular.
Noviembre 2019 Bot Exploit Issue
On November 1, 2019, a Roblox employee or developer who has an unknown identity named Gerard Barkley who created a Roblox account named "Bloxiphant". He started more accounts to head to YouTube held by posting a bogus report scam, the message "You are briefly included under the Monitoring Program. If you wish to unsubscribe, please contact Bloxiphant by email." (example of KreekCraft scam message). Each of the bot accounts compromised with the theft gets to follow this Roblox account and QxR, also that the bots follow the main group of yQxR MUGE N. On November 6, Roblox was able to patch and correct the fake report bots to avoid this problem.