Ro-Bio was a game created by MemeNicoi on July 18, 2018, with a Sci-Fi theme, the game raised the questionably ethical possibility of testing viruses in humans.
It was removed the same year for inappropriate content.
How it was played
Upon joining the game, players started out as scientists, from which they could choose from several random characters. After this, they spawned in a break room within a complex with a cup of coffee, which they could fill with a coffee pot in the Research Laboratory, and 2 syringes, one to inject viruses and the other to draw blood from the test subject. .
Players could go to the following three sections:
- Virus Block (on the right): Players entered a room, where they could choose between 4 different viruses: Argonella, Necromella, Organella, and Kamelia, each with different symptoms. There was also a random virus generator, with viruses with symptoms as diverse as turning the test subject into a zombie or making him explode, and a curative virus generator, which as its name implies, allowed to cure sick subjects.
- Cell block (front): In this room there were several cells that could contain the subjects with whom the virus tests could be done. In front of the cells there was a panel with 3 buttons: "Recycle human" (which releases a gas that kills the subject or any player), "New human" (which, if there is no subject inside the cell, it would drop a new one from the ceiling) and "Hanging human" (which precisely hung the subject from two ropes in front of the cell); next to the buttons, the name and a life counter of the subjects were also displayed.
- Research laboratory (on the left): In the laboratory were the coffee maker (with which the players filled their coffee cup), a blood extractor (which isolated the viruses from the blood sample of a subject with at least 3 injected viruses), a virus separator ( which divided the sample obtained previously by the blood extractor into three different viruses) and a virus duplicator (which duplicated any individual virus obtained from the virus separator). In addition, it had four lockers that could contain up to 4 different viruses and could be randomly assigned to any player by the server, and a public virus store, which could contain up to 16 different viruses, all in the public domain.
To enter a room you only had to click on the door (to open it) and enter.
Reasons for removal
Its content was removed in 2018 by ROBLOX because it was inappropriate. Several players were able to rescue the game and now we can find the same theme in games like Ro-Bio 2.