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    Dream House

    Dream House Dream House in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Managers Alakama Specialty Visit towns through dreams Opening hours All day Appearances Animal Crossing: New Leaf La Dream House is a building introduced in Animal Crossing: New […]

    YouTube celebrities

    HR YouTube celebrities, commonly known as youtubers, They are a class of internet celebrities and videographers who have won videos on the YouTube video sharing platform. As many of them […]

    How to put smiley face on Fortnite name

    Recently, while playing a Fortnite, you noticed something different than usual: a player has customized his nickname in a very original way, adding a smiley to the name displayed in the game. You think this change is really interesting and would like to know how […]

    5 things Apex Legends is better than Fortnite Battle Royale

    Apex Legends was launched by surprise on February 4. It is a "battle royale" developed by Respawn Entertainment and based on the Titanfall universe. It is a very solid FPS, with a futuristic setting full of details and that promises to become one of the phenomena […]